Carrefour goes into quick commerce

A few days after the announcement of Carrefour's partnership with the start-up Cajoo, a French player in quick commerce, the group shares the upcoming launch of its express delivery service: 1,000 different products delivered in 15 minutes.
The official date is not yet announced and the name not yet decided. "Carrouf" is preferred by the team, but a survey sent to the brand's customers also offers two alternatives to carry the express delivery service: Carrefour Now and Carrefour Sprint.
Carrefour Sprint has already been used in Poland for a year for a delivery in three hours maximum.

While Auchan is in a test phase in Bordeaux (according to Olivier Dauvers), Carrefour is the first historical retailer to enter the quick commerce race, initiated by pure players. There are no less than ten players today, including Gorillas, Cajoo, Dija, Flink and Getir.

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