Protein yogurts on the rise in the chilled market

Market growth
  • Skyr and high-protein (HP) yogurts are the most dynamic on the chilled market, with growth of +63.4% in volume and +71.1% in value in 2023 for skyrs.
  • They represent 37% of the gains of the chilled market, for barely 3% of the volumes.
  • They even exceed organic in total value on the chilled market.
  • The chilled market as a whole has seen its turnover increase by +13%, reaching €5.68 billion, while volumes have slightly decreased by -0.7%.
Success of skyrs
  • Inspired by an Icelandic recipe, skyrs are aimed at a wide audience.
  • They are positioned on the expectations of simplicity, well-being, pleasure and affordable price.
  • With 40% penetration, they could soon replace low-fat yogurts.
HP, a promising niche
  • Less widespread than skyrs (10% penetration), HPs are still experiencing strong growth (+23.7% in volume and +44.5% in value).
  • They are distinguished by their high price and their consumption at times other than the end of the meal.
  • Targeting athletes, this segment has strong development potential.
Arrival of private labels and diversification of ranges
  • Private labels are entering the market with more affordable products, such as Carrefour Sensation High Protein.
  • National brands are diversifying their ranges by offering organic products (Les 300 Laitiers), nomadic formats (LNUF) or even extended ranges (Hipro+, Lindahls Pro+).
Key trends
  • The interest in protein products is on the rise, driven by the sport and well-being trend.
  • Consumers are looking for healthy, practical and accessible products.
  • Innovation is a major lever for standing out in this market.
In summary, protein yogurts, skyrs and HPs, are booming on the chilled market. Their success can be explained by their nutritional profile, their practicality and their adequacy with current consumer trends. The chilled market as a whole is growing, driven by the dynamics of protein yogurts.


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