Vegetable cans driven by legumes

The figures (2022):
  • 1.6 billion euros: the revenue of vegetable cans, + 1.1% (-3.5% in volume)
  • 98%: the penetration rate of preserved vegetables
  • 18.2: the annual purchase frequency of households
After the Covid-enchantment pause, vegetable canned goods saw a slight increase in value, +1.1% in CAM as of October 30, 2022, according to Iri data. "Today, half of consumers are under constraint and 31% of them will compromise on the budget allocated to food," says Armelle Guizot, Director of Brand and Corporate Social Responsibility for the canned vegetable branch at D'Aucy. In fact, the affordability of this refuge category remains its major advantage with, on the segments side, a resistance of green beans (22% market share in volume) and a growth of dried vegetables pushed, among other things, by their nutritional qualities.

"The market is also driven by new consumption patterns around legumes and salads," confirms Emmanuelle Cousy, Marketing Director of Bonduelle. The cold segment, headed by corn, has thus benefited from a beautiful summer season, while organic (6.2% of the market) continues to decline. In a context of a contraction of purchasing power, private label brands and value brands are growing. On the side of national brands, the Bonduelle group remains the leader in value with Bonduelle and Cassegrain. With a penetration rate of 29.5% and a re-purchase rate of 70%, Cassegrain can count on very loyal buyers while Bonduelle, which reaches 75% of households, is also on a good dynamic driven by ratatouille and sun-drenched vegetables.

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