Drinks get off with honours

A special mention for beverages. After their good performance during the Christmas week (+ 1.8% in volume), FMCGs ended the year on a bad note with a drop in sales of - 6% according to IRI. Despite this, due to inflation, the revenue remained positive at +5.9%. In the beverages section, the decline was less severe with a decrease of -1.9%. The categories of beer and cider, as well as soft drinks and water, managed to perform well with growth of +0.8% and +0.9%, respectively. Champagne, however, saw a decline of -13.9%. The revenue of beverages during the holiday season was up +4.9% and spirits and champagnes managed to maintain their level, just above the break-even line (+1.0%). Sparkling wines (+5.2%) and sangrias (+13.3%), two more affordable segments, performed well and stood out in the current context.


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