Non-alcoholic drinks and beers benefit from the nice weather

The drinks category had a successful start to July. This was confirmed by the data of the panelist IRI. Thanks to the warm weather, drinks, which were already experiencing an increase in sales, noted a 20% increase from July 11th to 17th.

Among the products that benefit the most from this, mixed drinks and non-alcoholic beers are driving the growth with an evolution of +66.8%. Flavoured waters and syrups are also following the trend with an increase of +62.7% and +60.1% respectively. And unlike beers and ciders, their turnover increased by +27.7%.

However, the progression of this category is divided according to the different channels:
- Local shops (+13.6%)
- Supermarkets (+9%)
- Hypermarkets (+5.8%)
- E-commerce (+1%)

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