More than half of French people are drinking cocktails at home

The cocktail has become the fashionable drink in France. A survey of 1008 people conducted in May 2022 by YouGov confirms that the closure of bars due to the health crisis has accelerated the consumption of cocktails at home.

According to the survey, 505 respondents said they drink alcoholic cocktails at home and 61% of them are aged between 25 and 34. However, only 4% drink them regularly, while 21% say they drink them occasionally and 26% rarely.

The main reasons of not drinking cocktails at home are:
     - 30% prefer to drink them in a bar or restaurant
     - 24% because they don't have all the equipment
     - 22% say that it is not practical to have all the ingredients at home

YouGove also compiled a list of the top ready-to-drink cocktail brands purchased in the last 12 months and Martini came out on top, ahead of Saint James and Old Nick.

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