Apéri'bio, Biothentic’s new range for aperitifs

Biothentic enters the aperitif market with Apéri'Bio, a new range of dried fruits with five recipes.

After making a name for itself during Easter with its chocolate treats, Biothentic is back with a brand-new range of products called Apéri'Bio. The brand of the ABCD Nutrition group offers five different dried fruit recipes with varying weights and prices:
     - The crunchy aperitif mix (€3.50 per 150g)
     - The fruity aperitif mix (€2.70 per 150g)
     - Tamari mix (3,90€ per 130g)
     - Cashew curry (3,90€ per 130g)
     - Roasted salted pistachios (4,70€ per 150g).

All of these new products, which are packaged in fully recyclable packaging, have the AB label and can be found in the organic section of supermarkets. Specialising in cereals, dried fruit, seeds, and other legumes, Biothentic is expanding its catalogue which also includes sweet products such as madeleines and brownies.


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