Nice weather boosts beverage sales

As a heat wave is about to hit France this week, NielsenIQ has reviewed the results for the month of May in the categories most sensitive to temperature variations. These were particularly high last month, 3 degrees above the seasonal average. Over these four weeks, the summer categories of ice cream, beers, surimi, syrups, flavored waters, salads and marinated fish generated sales of €1.6 billion, €208 million more than in May 2021. This +15% increase contrasts with the slight -0.2% decline in FMCG products.
In detail, some beverages have managed to do well, such as flavored waters (+24.7%). This should accelerate their good momentum. According to NielsenIQ, over the 12 months to May 2022, this segment of still and carbonated waters saw its volumes jump by +4.0%. This performance is all the more remarkable given that all non-alcoholic beverages are down - 2.3% year-on-year. Syrups also benefited from the weather, seeing their sales increase by +14.1% compared to May 2021. Finally, beers are also doing well during this period, even if the + 1.4% growth is more measured. The next few weeks should certainly allow these categories to continue to perform well.

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