Despite the slight decline in turnover in 2021, the growth of FMCG-Fresh products sales in supermarkets remains very strong over two years.
  • €167.7bn: 2021 turnover for all products, all channels except specialists, down 0.3%
  • - 0.3%: the evolution of sales of FMCG-Fresh products in 2021 compared to 2020, after an increase of 6.3% the previous year
  • -2 % : the evolution of sales volumes of FMCG-Fresh products in 2020, +2.7% vs. 2019
  • The 2021 turnover of the total FMCG-Fresh products, all channels except specialists, amounts to 117.3 billion euros.
Over two years, the growth of FMCG and fresh products is therefore 6%, i.e. an annual average of nearly 3%. All of this with a consumption that has logically moved from the products at the back of the cupboard (groceries, cleaning products, etc.), the stars of confinements, to ready-to-use fresh products and snacks, better suited to the new world of teleworking. But also with constants:
40% of categories continued to grow last year as in 2020 and e-commerce continues its inexorable rise.
  • + 6,1 % : growth in e-commerce, at 8.4% of total sales, the only channel to grow
  • The average food budget is €3,659 in 2021, less than the €3,705 in 2020, but much more than the €3,488 in 2019, before Covid. 
  • 21,4 % : the record level of sales under promotion in 2021
  • 58% of new e-commerce buyers in 2020 (3.2M households) were back in 2021.
  • 2,2%, is the weight of the year's innovations observed, on average, on the turnover excluding private labels of FMCG-Fresh products, at -0.2 points compared to 2020.
  •  + 9,1 % : increase in frozen food sales over two years
  • Sweet frozen foods are booming with 11.7% of their sales linked to new products (vs 9.7% in 2020).
  • Alternative consumption (local, plant-based, organic, bulk, natural, ecological, DIY, etc.) is marking time. It is up by 1% (compared with +12% in 2020 and +16% in 2019), to 12.3 billion in turnover, i.e. more than 10% of total FMCG-Fresh products.,403006

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