E-commerce progress

With growth of 16% last year, e-commerce now accounts for 7% of FMCG sales worldwide. France is the champion of the drive-through, China is on fire for "new retail" while Latin America is falling for "social commerce".
In Western Europe, the e-commerce market share reaches 6.9% for FMCG (8.9% in France). 35% of households are customers (37% in France).
In France, the drive remains the most popular online channel (32% penetration). This is followed by home delivery (9% of customer households), pure players (8%) and pedestrian drives (8%).
Platforms such as Uber Eats or Deliveroo are used for meal delivery by 20% of French households. But they have hardly made a dent in the FMCG market, with only 2.2% penetration.
Similarly, quick commerce (deliveries in 10 or 15 minutes) has only attracted 2% of French households. The same number have taken the step of buying consumer goods directly on social networks.


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