Leclerc protects 120 references from inflation

Leclerc announced the creation of an anti-inflation shield that started on May 4 and will end on July 31. The scheme is relatively simple. On a list of 120 products, Leclerc compensate for any future increase in prices in the form of vouchers on the loyalty card. 

This scheme is made up of 121 items chosen among the best-selling products in the store. They come from four departments: fresh products (41 skus), groceries (33 skus), beverages (24 skus) and drugstore/hygiene (24 skus). Private labels make up 60% of the list, mainly the Repère brand, to which are added a few Eco+, Bio Village and Nos Régions ont du Talent products. National brands are mainly present in beverages with 20 skus and in groceries with 13 skus.


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