Food supplements: a growing market in 2021

Growing steadily for more than ten years, the food supplements sector in France has grown by 6% in 2021 - a record since 2014 - to reach €2.3 billion in turnover according to Synadiet, the national food supplements union. Of which 204 million euros of turnover in organic shops.

  • Growth driven by the pharmacy channel and online sales
Pharmacies remain by far the leading distribution channel for food supplements, with a 50% market share and growth of 9.5% in 2021, and are driving the sector's total growth. At the same time, a different reality is emerging depending on the distribution channels. The reopening of certain channels affected by the lockdowns in 2020 will automatically lead to their growth in 2021: parapharmacies (+7%) and specialised nutrition and advice channels (+7%).

Conversely, those that had succeeded in attracting a particularly high number of consumers in 2020 are returning to their pre-pandemic turnover, such as organic shops (-9%) or supermarkets (-0.4%). Distance selling, which has become part of consumers' habits, continues to grow: +16% in 2021 and +50% compared to 2019.

  • What about the frequency of consumption? 
59% of French people say they have used food supplements in the last 24 months (58% in 2021), according to an exclusive consumer survey conducted by Harris Interactive. This survey also reveals a consumer profile that is increasingly feminine and from the upper social classes. 

52% say they consume food supplements several times a year, 20% consume them continuously throughout the year. Vitamins and minerals (64%), beehive products (42%) and Omega 3/6/9 (30%) are the most consumed. According to the survey, 71% also consume food supplements or natural organic health products.

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