Beer overtakes wine

Reflecting the dynamism of the category, with 51% of the votes (+12 points over one year), beers have become the new favorite alcoholic drink of the French. Wine is now slightly down and in second place with 49% of the votes. However, the category still appeals, especially to women who continue to favor this drink over beer. Champagne completes the podium (31%) despite a 2-point drop compared to 2021. In this survey conducted in December 2021, where several answers could be provided by consumers, cocktails (20%) and spirits (18%) follow. Note the emergence of the category of non-consumers of alcoholic beverages, which rose to 16% (+6 points).

In addition to this key information, five other salient elements concerning the still wine category emerge from this campaign:
  • The French are becoming increasingly knowledgeable. 47% of wine consumers now say they are enlightened wine lovers. This figure has risen sharply compared to 2020 (+12 points), while neophytes have dropped from 64% to 49%.

  • Interest in labels is declining. While the offer is exploding, 53% of French people say they are attentive to environmental labels at the time of purchase, compared to 67% in 2021. The trio of the best-known labels is: far ahead of the AB sign (85%), followed by the Vignerons Engagés (36%) and the HVE (29%).

  • Alsace takes a place among neophytes behind the top three of the most popular vineyards. Bordeaux remains the leading region whatever the category of consumers (connoisseurs, amateurs or neophytes), followed by Burgundy, which is up sharply, and Champagne.

  • Buying wine online is becoming a habit. After its breakthrough last year in the context of the pandemic (+16%), the purchase of wine on the internet has maintained its level with 41% of French people who are adept at it, particularly among young people aged 18 to 25, for whom this figure rises to 55%.
  • The impact of influence is decreasing. 23% of French people and 39% of 18–25-year-olds following influencers' accounts say they have bought wine recommended on social networks. But this figure is down by 5 points (-6 points for generation Z) compared to the previous barometer.

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