Beer market in 2021

The market continues to grow, crafts remain strong and brewers are diversifying their brands towards refreshing or alcohol-free recipes. Beers now accompany all drinking periods.
  • The market is still dynamic: +4.3% in value in 2021
  • Craft growth : Beer cellars on the rise
  • Non-alcoholic beverages: the best performing segment in the department 
The Tourtel Twist brand will be hitting the roads of France in July. The emblematic yellow jersey of non-alcoholic drinks in France will be an official supplier to the Tour de France and will be present in the caravan of the third most watched event in the world after the Olympic Games and the World Cup. And it's a good thing for Tourtel Twist because 2022, the year of the World Cup, will start at the end of November in Qatar, which will be one less opportunity to boost the beer market.
In the meantime, whether there is a mixed summer period (as in 2021, i.e. a loss of 4 points of growth) or not, the alcohol-free segment is experiencing the strongest growth in the department with an increase of +5% in volume and +13.8% in value in 2021 (Iri, all supermarket circuits). In a year of mixed fortunes, impacted by closures and reopenings in the on-trade, Kronenbourg, a subsidiary of the Carlsberg group, is showing "a certain stability in value over the year". 

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