Charal hits the grocery department

In April, Charal will make a sensational entry into the grocery department with an original range of 11 products to encourage the French to eat beef differently. Manufactured in the Flers plant (61), the products carry a new logo, La conserverie Charal.
The brand was inspired by canned fish. It offers three spreads in glass jars for the aperitif, containing at least 70% of shredded beef (plain, with curry, with preserved tomatoes).
Even more surprising, Charal offers four references packaged "sardine-style": pieces of beef cooked with spices or vegetables, presented in slices or strips. Like the famous blue fish, they can be eaten hot or cold, on a slice of bread or on a plate with a side dish.
More logically, Charal is also inviting itself to the ready-meals with an original individual offer, packaged in glass jars. It covers new recipes or revisited classics: shepherd's pie and chili con carne with shredded meat, beef risotto with porcini mushrooms, beef with chorizo and baby vegetables. The products are recommended at €4.30 per 300 g, a premium positioning that applies to the entire range.


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