The rice market in organic shops

The rice market in organic shops is worth 17.3 million euros (total turnover for rice with EAN). This is a year-to-date figure to the end of June 2021 (source : BioAnalytics), of which 41% is white rice. There was also a 23% increase in sales of black rice.
Rice, alone or mixed with pulses, is a staple in the bulk and savoury sections of organic shops. It is easy to prepare and fits perfectly into most diets, both for lunch and dinner. For a long time, it was available on its own in white, semi-complete or complete versions. Suppliers are now competing in terms of inventiveness and practicality, from "almost" ready-to-use dry mixes to nomadic and/or quick preparations.
According to the breakdown of rice sales in organic shops, Basmati and Thai versions account for more than half of sales (51%). While black rice accounts for 3% of sales, its turnover has increased by 23%.
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