Organic wine : 50% more consumers in 6 years

  • Motivations for drinking organic wine
According to this survey, 67% of French people buy organic wine because they want to consume a more environmentally friendly product than a non-organic wine. More than one in two French people (56%) also consider that they prefer organic wines because they are more respectful of the producer.
These concerns and motivations have led to an increase in the consumption of organic wine, since more than one in two French people consume it at least from time to time (54%, +18 points) and more than one in three Europeans (39%, +9 points).
  • Organic wine consumer profile
Mostly urban (75% of Parisians drink organic wine), the typical consumer is a graduate and belongs to the most privileged socio-professional categories in France. They are also increasingly young. In 2015, the main consumers of organic wine were over 45 years old, whereas in 2021, nearly one in two Europeans under 35 years old will be drinking organic wine (46%). The consumption of organic wine is also becoming more and more gender balanced : 42% of men and 35% of women declare to consume organic wine in 2021, according to the observatory.
  • Beer consumption on the rise
The French are the European champions, with 30% declaring that they have drunk organic beer at least once, compared with 16% in Germany and 20% in the UK. The purchase of organic beer, made in most cases in supermarkets (62% of Europeans and 66% of the French), is motivated by curiosity for almost one French consumer in two (49%). Respect for the environment is also an important factor for 42% of the French and 38% of Europeans. Young men under 35 years of age represent the core target of this rapidly expanding market.

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