Carrefour launches organic snacks for dogs and cats

It's a private label novelty: Carrefour is launching a range of organic treats for dogs and cats under its Companino brand. With one in two French households now owning a pet, the share of natural products in the petfood sector rose by 25% last year as owners sought healthier food for their pets.
But there is no question of abandoning the pleasure aspect, as shown by the figures for the dog and cat snacks segment in supermarkets: €260 million in annual sales, up 6%.
  • Organic and accessible
The range includes eight references, all certified organic, with no added artificial preservatives, no colourings and no artificial flavourings, with different flavours such as beef, chicken, cheese or even milk for the junior dog and cat references. They are available for less than 2€ with prices ranging from 1.60 to 1.99€.,382228

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