Use of insects in animal feed

On the 18th of August, the European Commission adopted a new regulation that authorizes the use of processed animal protein (PAP) from insects in pig and poultry feed. In a press release, the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIF) considers this legislative reform to be "a decisive step in the upscaling of the European insect sector. This approval will help accelerate the development of the short circuit, while improving the sustainability and self-sufficiency of the European livestock sector.”

This authorisation is expected to come into force later in September. The IPIFF Secretariat will organise a thematic webinar on the 20th of September on the consequences of this approval on the development of the insect industry and on the expected benefits of the use of insect PAPs in poultry and pig feed.

This authorisation follows the approval of insect PAPs in aquaculture feed from July 2017 (voted by EU Member States in December 2016) and will open up two of the most important feed markets in the EU. Following the entry into force of this regulation, the demand for insects for animal feed is expected to increase, leading to an increase in production capacity in the sector.

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