Eléphant launches French herbal teas

The leader in herbal teas with 22% of turnover, Elephant is continuing its strategy of innovation at a steady pace. After launching three cold brews in April focusing on well-being (detox, boost and relax), this month the brand is introducing a range of herbal teas made from plants grown in France. It includes two references "from our regions": mint and chamomile-lavender.

Éléphant follows in the footsteps of Les 2 Marmottes and Jardin Bio étic brands already in the market. The organic brand is even well ahead of the game, having worked for a long time to build up the French supply chain: 30% of its range (50 references) is certified as "France Guaranteed Origin", an official label that attests to at least 50% of the cost price being made in France.


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