Organic wines still higher in supermarkets

Sales on the rise !
With a turnover of 115 million euros in the first half of 2021 in supermarkets, AB-labelled wines recorded a 9% increase in sales. Their share of the still wine market by value thus increased by 0.4 points compared to the previous period to reach 5.8% of the market.
More visibility !
The number of organic wine references in shops increased by +15% in the first half of 2021. In contrast, conventional references decreased by -1%. Sales of "green" wines were also more dynamic in the prospectus, with a 42% increase over the same period, compared to a 32% increase for conventional references.
Less value than conventional !
This is certainly one of the keys to their success. Organic wines have seen a lower valuation than conventional wines over the first six months of 2021. Their average selling price increased by +4.2% compared to +6.5% for the standard offer.
Proximity in the spotlight !
Local shops are outperforming in the "green" wine sector. Their share of organic wine sales is 18%, whereas they account for only 14% of conventional wine sales. The hypermarkets account for 33% of organic wine sales in value and 37% of conventional wine sales. Supermarkets are in an intermediate position as they account for the same proportion of turnover (43%) for both organic and non-organic wines.

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