An outlet for sprouted cereals

Sprouted cereals can be used in cattle rations provided they are stored under good conditions. They have similar feed values to conventional cereals.
If the risk of having sprouted grain is present this year, it is expressed in a very heterogeneous way depending on the regions, or even the plots, and it is still too early to have a global vision. Nevertheless, sprouted cereals can be a welcome addition to the cattle table.
The energy values remain the same!
Sprouted grain can be used in animal feed. A few trials were carried out to determine the feed values of sprouted grain in 1992, 2000 and 2014: years when rainfall increased the frequency of sprouting. "The start of sprouting on the ground does not modify the chemical composition of the grain, and therefore has no impact on the energy value of these grains, either for poultry or for pigs," explains Christine Bar, head of the quality and value-added department at Arvalis. "Tests were carried out with different ranges of Hagberg indices, and the protein digestibility or energy values for the animals remained identical.
If the alimentary values are preserved, it is essential to ensure that the grains are well preserved to avoid the development of moulds, fungi or mycotoxins. "The grains can then be processed in the same way (crushed, flattened), provided that the humidity has been controlled and that the grains are stored in good conditions.

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