Organic meat production has doubled in 5 years

In 2020, 15% of new consumers were attracted to organic food. In this context, the organic meat market continues to grow. Production has doubled in 5 years, rising from 29,746 tonnes to 59,115 tonnes in 2020, all species combined.
By production, the organic beef sector increased by 12% between 2019 and 2020, sheep by 11% and calves by 1%. The pork sector grew less markedly than in previous years, from 19,795 tonnes in 2109 to 21,607 tonnes in 2020.
All distribution channels were dynamic. Compared to 2019, artisanal butchers have increased by 18%, specialised shops and direct sales by 11%. Supermarkets also gained 11%, with hypermarkets losing ground to supermarkets and convenience stores.,386688

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