Beer blows up the promos!

The pressure is on in the liquids category! According to the leaflet specialist A3 Distrib, the category is indeed the one that has seen the highest increase in promotional pressure in May 2021 compared to May 2020: + 19%. This is ahead of self-service fresh produce (+16%) and savoury (+15%).
This increase can be explained by the omnipresence of beer! Indeed, the number of "beer" units of need (SKU) present on tracts in May 2021 has jumped. It reached 1297 SKUs, a performance not equaled in more than 10 years. This is a far cry from the previous record set at 744 in 2019.
As a result, the share of voice of the beer market has jumped to 21.8%. According to A3 Distrib, this increase is particularly marked within the Casino group, with the promotion of numerous beer fairs. While last year Casino featured 23 references on leaflets in May and Géant 28, this year the beer offers have literally exploded, reaching 185 SKUs in supermarket leaflets and 220 SKUs in hypermarket leaflets. This is enough to further boost a department that is in full effervescence.

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