A changing dairy industry

FranceAgriMer has devoted a study to the changes in dairy processing over the period 2010 to 2019: changes in production, diversity of regional dynamics...

"Since 2010, the cow's milk sector has been subjected to several events that have disrupted markets and imposed changes and often investments in the dairy processing sector: increased drying capacity of tools following the 2015-2016 crisis, development of infant milk powder production to meet Chinese demand, changes in production to keep up with French consumer demand, etc.", writes FranceAgriMer in its presentation.

"The dairy processing sector has thus evolved considerably over the last ten years. The aim of this study is to identify the changes that have occurred in this downstream link of the cow's milk sector, whether in terms of volumes manufactured, the number of processing sites, the average production level of the sites or their location. This analysis includes a geographical approach to production to highlight the diversity of regional dynamics and the evolution, on this scale, of the balance between milk production and its use in the manufacture of finished products. "

"The study highlights products that are losing ground, such as yoghurts and fermented milks, characterised by a reduction in volumes and in the number of sites, but also by a lesser weight of leading groups and large sites. Conversely, other products are developing, such as infant milk powder, whose growing production tends to be concentrated around the large sites and leading groups. The study also shows the diversity of regional dynamics, between, for example, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, which has become a milk surplus in ten years, and the Centre-Val de Loire, which has been short of milk since 2016 for its manufacturing. "


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