The rise of Lidl and Aldi

Lidl and Aldi are gaining power. Between 19 April and 16 May 2021, the former broke through the 7% market share barrier in FMCG and self-service fresh food for the third time in its history. After reaching 7.3% in P12 2020 and 7% in P2 2021, the discount retailer repeated this performance in April-May (7% share, i.e. +0.5 point over one year) thanks to the recruitment of 1.5 million customers.

Aldi, for its part, is benefiting from the growth of its customer base following the gradual transformation of Leader Price shops. With the recruitment of one million customers over the period, it gained +0.2 points of market share to reach 2.7% between 19 April and 16 May 2021.

At this rate, the two German brands, which only accounted for 7.5% of FMCG sales five years ago, should quickly exceed 10% of the combined market share. Knowing that they already dominate the Auchan group (9.2%) and Casino (7.8% of PDM over the last period).

The period from 19 April to 16 May 2021 is also notable for the fine rebound of hypermarkets, which were in great difficulty during the same period last year due to strict confinement. They took advantage of the gradual return to normal to gain +3.3 points and reach 40.5% of market share.

This dynamic has benefited Leclerc (+ 1.3 points to 22.8%), Carrefour Group (+ 0.5 points to 18.7%) and Louis-Delhaize Group (+ 0.2 points to 3.0%), with a marked increase for Cora.

The online channel, down by 0.7 points over the period, the drive and home delivery still have a much higher market share than two years ago: 8.9% of FMCG-FLS sales compared to 6.3% in P5 2019.

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