Naturalia acquires 15 shops from the SALEJ/Bio & SENS network

A new stage in the expansion strategy of Naturalia. After the development of franchising and the opening of integrated branches, the retailer, which belongs to the Casino group, is consolidating its positions through alliances and acquisitions. In this context, it has just announced the acquisition of 15 shops from the SALEJ (8 shops)/Bio & SENS (7 shops) network, in order to extend its positions in the south and east of France and to strengthen its position in the suburbs. The amount of the transaction has not been disclosed.

The takeover will be effective from 1 May 2021 and 160 employees of the network will join Naturalia. These integrated shops will continue their activity which will be optimised thanks to the Naturalia model: national logistics, competitive offer, competent information system. At this time, there are no plans to change these banners. "This integration demonstrates our commitment to the development of a network of specialist shops. This success is indicative of the attractiveness of Naturalia, which allows franchisees and independents to retain their freedom while offering them the most efficient means in our sector. This is why many independents wish to join us in creation or rallying", indicates Allon Zeitoun, General Manager of Naturalia.

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