The Casino chains are launching their food marketplace on and will offer 50,000 new products from July and up to 500,000 by 2022. The aim is to become the leading e-commerce site for food in France. Directly integrated into, the marketplace will reinforce the existing offer of 20,000 references. The offer aims to meet the expectations of consumers, whose changing purchasing behaviour since the outbreak of the health crisis has led to an acceleration in the use of e-commerce sites, as well as a change in the composition of baskets. The aim is therefore for consumers to find a wider range of products, similar to what they are used to finding on the sites of non-food pure players.
Around 70% of the offer will be made up of food products and will be expanded to include promising product categories that are not or are not well covered to date: baby food & childcare, health/hygiene/beauty/parapharmacy, pet food and care, world/ethnic products, organic products, beverages (wines, spirits, alcohols), home/do-it-yourself and garden. An introductory offer with free delivery for 2 months on the marketplace will be deployed.

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