Increase in alcohol consumption since the start of the pandemic

Covid-19 has changed consumption in France and around the world. Indeed, 46% of French people say they have changed their purchasing habits during the pandemic and no food or liquid market has been spared.
According to this international study carried out in December 2020 among more than 18,000 people in 17 countries, 15% of French people claim to have increased their alcohol consumption. This is slightly less than the world average of 19% but more than in Germany (11%) or Denmark (12%), for example.
These figures should obviously be compared with the proportion of consumers who explain that they have reduced their alcohol purchases. But the latter remains less important: only 10% in France. This is the lowest total of all countries, on a par with the United States!
In detail, since the beginning of the pandemic, 4.6% of French people have increased their alcohol consumption significantly, 10.6% have increased slightly, 5.1% have decreased slightly and 4.7% have decreased significantly. The balance is made up of consumers who have not changed their habits and those who have not.

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