The zero waste strategy of organic shops

According to the Bio Linéaires survey of retailers and groups for the 2020 specialised distribution report, bulk/zero-waste is the top priority for 2021. Several players have taken a stand on this subject: return of the deposit for re-use at Biocoop, stop using paper bags in Le Grand Panier Bioshops, biodegradable bags and compost from unsold products at Les Nouveaux Robinson, recycled cardboard, paper and plastic waste in the La Vie Clairewarehouse...
This happens especially since consumers are becoming more and more demanding. They are interested in what goes on upstream, they ask how shops receive the products, where they come from and what they do with the containers. If in terms of zero waste products, products sold in bulk are the most popular, stainless steel bottles, reusable straws and solid shampoos are also popular.

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