Monoprix launches its new Click & Collect concept

The retailer opened its first pick-up point in the 7th arrondissement of Paris under the Monoprix Click & Collect banner. This hybrid pedestrian drive-through allows customers to pick up their shopping ordered on the Monoprix Plus website and prepared by the Ocado warehouse in Fleury-Mérogis. It also has an offer of 400 products.

The retailer has set up the shop in the 7th arrondissement Monoprix has little presence in this area and hopes to win over new customers. This location also aims to give visibility to its Monoprix Plus service, which is dedicated to the home delivery of food products in the Île-de-France region. The groceries are prepared by the Ocado warehouse in Fleury-Mérogis (94), which was opened only a year ago.

With this new concept, the Casino Group chain is strengthening its digital strategy. This strategy is already based on several channels, via online shopping prepared in Monoprix shops, partnerships with Amazon and the Uber and Delivroo platforms for fast deliveries.

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