Système U sales jump 8.2% in 2020

Système U is being very discreet about its 2020 results. It is indeed difficult to put forward large increases in turnover in the current context. The grouping has nevertheless unveiled the main lines of its 2020 results.

According to the data published by U Mag, Système U saw its sales (including VAT and excluding petrol) increase by +8.2% last year, including shop movements (+7.1% at constant stock). According to the calculations, the group's turnover thus amounted to 22.21 billion euros. Including fuel, sales rose by 1.5% to 26.8 billion euros. By comparison, Intermarché had put forward a growth of + 1.4% with petrol. According to Système U, "the strong trend of the year is confirmed: decrease in the number of checkouts (- 3.1%) and increase in the average basket (+ 14.1%)."

With a market share of 11.1% (+0.3 pt), the U is one of the big winners of the year 2020, together with Intermarché (+0.7 pt), Leclerc and Lidl (+0.4 pt). The performance could have been even better. A computer breakdown causing numerous interruptions significantly penalised the network last June.

In detail, all the shop formats showed good sales growth in 2020: +6.5% for Hyper U, +8.2% for Super U and +11.0% for U Express. At 31 December, the store base consisted of 1,615 outlets, with a positive balance of 14 units.

Like all its competitors, Système U has benefited above all from the explosion of e-commerce. The turnover achieved by Courses U jumped by +50% in 2020 to 927 million euros, i.e. a net gain of 312 million euros over one year. Finally, U associates also performed well on their private labels: +7.1% for a total of 4.7 billion euros. The share of U products represents more than 21% of the group's sales over the year.

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