Supermarkets: e-commerce accounts for over a third of organic FMCG gains

In supermarkets, the offer of all FMCG is being strengthened in e-commerce in order to meet the very strong demand. E-commerce in supermarkets will account for more than a third of organic FMCG gains in 2020. Already very well established in previous years in the drive-through sector, certified references are further consolidating their position: they represent 8.7% of FMCG this year, up 0.4 points.
As the graph shows, the evolution of e-commerce turnover jumped in 2020 by 49.6% (vs 25.1% in 2019). This is far ahead of the trend in proxi (+15.8%) and supermarkets (+12.9%). In hypermarkets, the decline is abrupt, from +16.3% growth in turnover in 2019 to +3.4% in 2020.
It must be said that Covid-19 has particularly pushed online shopping, where the offer has gained one point between 2019 and 2020, rising from 21.9% to 22.7%. This is almost 10 points more than in supermarkets (+14.1%) and twice as much as in proxi (+11.9%). Here too, the hyper concept is in sharp decline, dropping from an expanded offer of 25.5% in 2019 to 9.5% in 2020.

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