Franprix wants to double the proportion of organic produce within 3 years

Franprix is ambitious about organic food! As part of its new development phase and the planned opening of 150 shops within the next two years, the convenience chain intends to significantly increase the weight of organic produce in its turnover. The aim is to reach a ratio of 20% by 2024, i.e. more than double the current figure. Last year, the organic share at Franprix was 9%, a score four points higher than the average for supermarket chains. Sales of food products bearing the AB label jumped by 23% in 2020.
“The growth of organic food is obviously driven by the market, explains Cécile Guillou, Managing Director of Franprix. But we are also pushing very hard on our side because we believe that proximity has a very important role to play in its development. In our private label range, for example, 25% of the range is now organic.” This represents nearly 300 references. “Our policy is to develop organic and health food corners, emphasises Cécile Guillou. We also try to offer our customers the possibility of doubling the conventional and organic offer.”
The deployment of organic products is not limited to the FMCG sections, as shown by the initiative of Eric Demange, the franchisee of the Franprix store in Andrésy, which was renovated with the company's latest concept last December. As soon as you enter the shop, in the fresh produce area, the hot spot offers 100% organic bread and pastries. The fruit and vegetables, which include a total of 45 items, are now mostly packaged without plastic
Organic food is also developing through the bulk offer present in 209 shops. Franprix has installed a section in its outlets equipped with single-use cardboard hoppers. “We are deploying an organic offer that can vary from one to four items depending on the profile of the shops”, explains François Alarcon, Franprix's strategy and innovation director. At the same time, a handful of Franprix stores are also testing a bulk range of national brands (Panzani, Uncle Ben's, etc.) in conventional stores.

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