FMCG sales continue to surge

Not surprisingly, the health situation continues to have a direct impact on sales in supermarkets and hypermarkets. Fearing further lockdown, the French have in fact made a few storage purchases, notes IRI Le Scan de l'Info. Sales jumped by 8.8% between 25 and 31 January, confirming the strong growth recorded since the beginning of the year 2021.
On the channel side, shop traffic is still down compared to last year, while the size of baskets continues to grow strongly at +17% over the period. In this context, supermarkets are accelerating strongly, with e-commerce once again taking the lead with almost 50% growth. Hypermarkets made a slight upturn of 3.4%.
On the shelves, we find, unsurprisingly, frozen foods at +15.2% and savoury groceries at +12.4%, "with particularly strong growth for "storage" products, with seasonings and condiments (+21.2%), starchy foods (+18.6%), soups and sauces (+18.4%) or canned vegetables (+15.1%) being the main contributors to this dynamic.

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