Costco France is set to open a second store

More than four years after the launch of the Villebon-sur-Yvette shop in June 2017, Costco will open its second club-warehouse. The second shop of the American distributor will be located in Pontault-Combault (77), in replacement of a 7000 m² Leclerc hypermarket which closed its doors at the end of 2020.

This second shop will look very much like the first one, but there will be far more french brands on the shelves at the next opening than there were in June 2017. "We've gained a much better understanding of the market and customer expectations. They want local flavours with a mix of international products. In four years, we have gotten to know French suppliers, especially SMEs, with whom we work very well. Between 400 and 500 are referenced with us today, compared to 200 to 250 four years ago," explains Gary Swindells, Costco France Director.

Construction work is set to start in may, for an opening in november.

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