The Green Deal: Potential impact on the feed industry

A look at its many significant expected and potential impacts on the feed industry in Europe.

The European Union’s Green Deal will affect all sectors of the EU economy, including farming and livestock feed. It is described officially as “a new growth strategy that will transform the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, economic growth is decoupled from resource use, and no person and no place is left behind.”

The Deal is directing the EU feed industry to achieve many goals. These include the production of diets with lower amounts of protein and phosphorus (resulting in less excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus) and the increased use of local ingredients. The use of ‘sustainable’ alternative proteins, such as unicellular and insect-based proteins is also desired. In addition, the Green Deal also has a legislated target of 25% organic food production in the EU by 2030, which will require an increase in organic feed production.

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