Key figures of a record year

Here are the most striking results from the liquids section (excluding wines) in supermarkets in a year 2020 that will surely go down in the annals.
  • 9,5 %
This is the market share of e-commerce in 2020 for liquids (excluding wines). It was only 7.1% in 2019. The extraordinary year experienced by the mass retail sector had a lot to do with this. With a crazy growth of + 35.6%, the circuit has gained nearly 400 million additional litres to reach 1.4 billion litres!
  • 111
In millions of litres, this is the volume gain in the beer department last year. The department enjoyed growth of +7.5%. This significant increase is mainly due to the shift from the catering trade to supermarkets. The café-hotels-restaurants were in fact closed for more than four months in 2020.
  • + 21,5 %
Here is the growth of alcohol-free beers in supermarkets. The most dynamic segment, its market share has now reached 4% thanks to the 61.3 million litres sold over 12 months. This performance is explained in particular by the large number of innovations released last year (Desperados Virgin, Grimbergen 0.0 %, etc).
  • 56,7 %
This is the market share value of specialty beers in 2020. Still as dynamic as ever, with sales up 14.1%, the segment continues to panic the counters. In the space of five years, it has gained 6.8 points in market share. All of this, while collecting nearly one billion euros in additional revenue!
  • + 2,2 %
It's been years since the spirits department had finished a year in the green. It took a combination of extraordinary factors to make this happen. Among the most striking rebounds are those of aniseed and whiskies (+3.8% and +3.9% in value), two segments that account for 60% of the department's turnover.
  • 11,6
In millions of litres, that's what rum has made in just five years. Turnover has increased by 268 million euros! 2020 was once again a Dantesque year, with growth of +12.4% in volume and +16.4% in value.
  • 102,7
This is the turnover of gins in supermarkets, up +22.5% compared with 2019. This is obviously the most dynamic category in the spirits department. In just five years, revenue has doubled!
  • + 8 %
In the BRSA department, syrups were certainly the big winners of 2020. Badly orientated in 2019 (- 2.8%), they rebounded sharply (+ 8%). And this is thanks to the advantages (price, conservation, quantity of drinks that can be made with a jerrycan) which were particularly adapted during this period of health crisis.
  • 10
And ten million litres saved! There's no stopping energy drinks. Led by Red Bull and Monster, they now sell nearly 90 million litres a year and pocket nearly 300 million euros! And it's probably not going to stop any time soon...". This market is far from being mature and will continue to grow," predicted last April Christophe Roucher, Red Bull's sales development manager.

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